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    Hello and welcome to my page.My name is Balogun Owomide Martins . Nice to have you here;feel free to look around and if you have any question do not hesitate to use the comment box,call us or message me on whatsapp directly.Have a lovely day!

    I am the founder of Howtofarmguide.blogspot.com , it was created November 11, 2015.
    Justagriculture is a platform for the practicing and potential farmers, where relevant and useful agricultural information are shared for the benefit of the farming populace. Also , this platform offers marketing services where farmers are allowed to advertise their products to meet potential buyers.
    It also shares relevant health issues and benefits that can be derived from the consumption of agricultural products.

    Facebook:  My Facebook 
    Twitter: @SeyiAbdulquadri
    Linkedln: Balogun Owomide Martins
    Phone: +2348127110957

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    HowToFarmGuide is a platform for the practicing and potential farmers, where relevant and useful agricultural information are shared for the benefit of the farming populace. Also , this platform offers marketing services where farmers are allowed to advertise their products to meet potential buyers. It also shares relevant health issues and benefits that can be derived from the consumption of agricultural products.